The anatomy of Mallophaga

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1899
Authors:R. Evans Snodgrass
Journal:Occasional Papers of the California Academy of Sciences
Pagination:145 - 224, with 8 plates
Date Published:1899
Keywords:mtax, PHP

The foregoing description of the various systems of organs of the Mallophaga show that the two suborders are separated by wide structural differences. These may be tabulated as follows. [SHORT TABLE --> SEE PAPER] The above table shows that in nearly every character in which the two suborders differ the Ischnocera have a more specialised organisation. That the separation of the two groups is very great is shown by the fact that nearly all the important organs are affected, the heart, tracheal system, and nervous system being the only ones alike in both. The exact systematic position of the Malophaga cannot at present be determined, since enough of the anatomy of nearly related forms is not known. Packard (1887), however, has shown that they may be closely related to the Psocidae, and Kellogg (1896) has given further evidence of this. But if the Psocidae are the most closely associated group with the Mallophaga, in what manner the two groups are related is impossible to say. Until this is known the relationship of the two suborders of the Mallophaga to each other cannot be determined nor that of the families composing these suborders.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith