Arbovirological survey in Silica plateau area, Roznava District, Czechoslovakia

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1986
Authors:Z. Hubalek, erný, V. Č., Mittermayer, T., Kilik, J., Halouzka, J., Juricova, Z., Kuhn, I., Bardos, V.
Journal:Journal of Hygiene, Epidemiology, Microbiology, and Immunology
Pagination:87 - 98
Date Published:1986
ISBN Number:0022-1732
Keywords:adolescent, adult, Age Factors, Aged, animals, Antibodies, Viral/analysis, Arboviruses/immunology/isolation & purification, cattle, child, Czechoslovakia, goats, Hemagglutination, humans, Lice/microbiology, mice, Mice, Inbred ICR, Middle Aged, Neutralization Tests, sheep, Ticks/microbiology

The serosurveys conducted in the Silica plateau area of the Slovak karst region revealed the presence of specific neutralizing antibody against tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) virus in 18% of local inhabitants (33 examined, mostly goats and sheep farmers), 54% of goats (26 examined), 18% of sheep (120 examined) and 13% of cattle (60 examined), against Lipovnik (LIP) virus in 30% of inhabitants, 88% of goats, 55% of sheep and 45% of cattle, and against Bhanja (BHA) virus in 27% of inhabitants, 46% of goats, 29% of sheep and 23% of cattle. The results of hemagglutination-inhibition tests with TBE and BHA antigens were analogous. A detailed analysis of these serologic data points to a recent enhancement of the circulation of LIP and BHA viruses and to a very low TBE virus activity in this natural focus of arboviral infections. The immunological surveys of the 32 former "Roznava disease" patients, conducted 25 years after an extensive epidemic of a TBE virus infection that originated in Roznava in 1951, revealed the presence of neutralizing (and also hemagglutination-inhibiting) antibodies against TBE virus in as many as 78% of cases. Antibodies against LIP and BHA viruses were also detectable in the sera of 16% and 9%, respectively, of these individuals. Populations of the ectoparasites examined for the presence of arbovirus comprised 231 Ixodes ricinus, 806 Dermacentor marginatus and 204 Haemaphysalis punctata ticks and 117 specimens of the louse-flies Melophagus ovinus. Two strains of arbivirus that were antigenically related to Lipovnik and Tribec viruses belonging to a group of Kemerovo viruses were isolated from male and female I. ricinus ticks collected from cattle.

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