Arthropod parasites of elephant shrews, with particular reference to ticks

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1995
Authors:L. J. Fourie, Dutoit, J. S., Kok, D. J., Horak, I. G.
Journal:Mammal Review
Pagination:31 - 37
Date Published:1995
Keywords:Acari, ixodidae, paralysis

Elephant-shrews from sub-Saharan Africa are infested by a large variety of arthropod parasites including ticks, mites, fleas, lice and the larvae of a calliphorid fly. Lists of the ectoparasites recorded from these animals are presented. Of particular importance are the ixodid ticks infesting elephant- shrews, as several of these can cause toxicosis, particularly paralysis in domestic animals, while others serve as important vectors of disease. Twenty-seven ixodid tick species belonging to six genera recorded from elephant-shrews are listed. Both host- and tick-dependent factors must be examined in order to determine the ecology of ticks infesting elephant-shrews and their relationship to disease in domestic and wild animals.

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