Aspects of ingestion transmission of chagas disease identified in mummies and their coprolites

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2005
Authors:A. C. Aufderheide, Salo, W., Madden, M., Streitz, J., Dittmar de la Cruz, K., Buikstra, J., Arriaza, B., Wittmers, Jr., L. E.
Journal:Revista de Antropología Chilena
Pagination:85 - 90
Date Published:2005
Keywords:aDNA, american trypanosomiasis., coprolites, fossils, Human evolution

Molecular study of Trypanosoma cruzi (T. cruzi) anciant DNA (aDNA) in the soft (nonskeletal) tissues of 283 naturally (spontaneously) mummified bodies from coastal sites located in southern Peru and northern Chile demonstrated a Chagas disease prevalence rate of about 41% over the past 9,000 years. This rate is similar to that of several endemic areas within this region prior to initiation of public health control programs. This report focuses on the presence of T. cruzi aDNA in the coprolites of some of these mummies. Review of the possible mechanisms that may explain the presence of this parasite in the coprolites indicates numerous antemortem and postmortem circumstances that conceivably could have been responsible. In given conditions, all of these may need to be considered. These considerations indicate that the presence of T. cruzi aDNA in mummy coprolites cannot categorically be considered as evidence of ingestion of the parasite.


El estudio molecular del tejido blando de 283 de cuerpos momificados en forma natural proveniente de la costa del sur de Perú y norte de Chile revela la presencia de Tripanosoma cruzi a partir de 9.000 años atrás con una prevalencia de un 41%. Este valor es parecido a áreas de estas regiones donde la enfermedad era endémica, antes que se iniciaran los programas de control de la salud. Este ensayo discute la presencia de ADNa de T. cruzi en los coprolitos de momias y revisa los posibles mecanismos de estos parásitos en los coprolitos. La presencia de T. cruzi en los coprolitos de momia no necesariamente indica que hubo una ingesta de este parásito.

Palabras claves: coprolitos, ADNa, tripanosomiasis americana.

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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith