Bartonella infections in humans

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1999
Authors:M. Drancourt
Journal:Presse Medicale
Pagination:435 - 439
Date Published:1999
Keywords:bacillus, bacterium, blood, chain reaction, Diagnosis, disease, mononuclear cells, patient, polymerase, tropheryma whippelii, whipples

Bartonella bacilliformis: Among the 3 species of Bartonella known to be human pathogens, B. bacilliformis causes CarriUn's disease, which manifests an acute phase (Oroya fever) and a chronic phase marked by benign skin eruption with wartlike macules of vascular origin. Until 1993, B. bacilliformis bas considered to be the only species in Bartonella genus. In 1993, species formerly in the Rochalimaea genus were designated as Bartonella species. Bartonella quintana: This species causes trench fever. It is also the causal agent in cases of bacillary angiomatosis, septicemia, endocarditis with negative blood cultures, and chronic nodal infections, particularly in immunodepressed subjects. Trench fever is transmitted by body lice and is becoming more prevalent, particularly in the homeless. Bartonella henselae: This agent causes bacillary angiomatosis, visceral peliosis, septicemia, endocarditis and cat-scratch disease. Transmitted by cats, and perhaps by lice, cat-scratch disease is one of the most frequent zoonoses. Other species: The spectrum of Bartonella infections has continued to widen these last 5 years. The role of B. elizabethae and C. clarridgeiae as human pathogens remains to be defined.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith