The biting louse genus Werneckiella (Phthiraptera: Trichodectidae) ectoparasitic on the horse family Equidae (Mammalia: Perissodactyla)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1978
Authors:C. Moreby
Journal:Journal of Natural History
Pagination:395 - 412
Date Published:1978
Keywords:mtax, PHP

The genus Werneckiella parasitic on the horses, asses and zebras (Perissodactyla: Equidae) and the barbary sheep (Arctiodactyla: Caprinae) is described for the first time. Six species are described including one new species, zebrae from Hartmann mountain zebra , and occellata, a species of hitherto uncertain validity; three new synonyms and three new combinations are recognised. A species key is provided and there is a host-parasite discussion.

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