Contribucion al conocimiento de los Malofagos Argentinos II. Hohorstiella picui n. sp., parasita de Columbina picui picui (Temminck) (Mallophaga-Menoponidae)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1978
Authors:A. Conrado Cicchino
Journal:Revista de la Sociedad Entomologica Argentina
Pagination:67 - 71
Date Published:1978
Keywords:mtax, PHP


A new species of the genus Hohorstiella Eichler from Argentina, parasitic on Colombina picui picui (Temminck), is described and illustrated, providing differences with the other two American species of the andina group. Some remarks on the genus and a list of the known species are also riven.


A new species of the genus Hohorstiella Eichler from Argentina, parasitic on Colombina picui picui (Temminck), is described and illustrated, providing differences with the other two American species of the andina group. Some remarks on the genus and a list of the known species are also riven

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