Damalinia (Tricholipeurus) zaganseeri, n. sp. (Phthiraptera: Trichodectidae), a parasite from Procapra gutturosa (Artiodactyla: Bovidae) in Mongolia

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1997
Authors:E. Lux, Mix, H. M., Zedev, B.
Journal:Journal of Medical Entomology
Pagination:599 - 604
Date Published:1997
Keywords:animals, Antelopes/parasitology, damalinia, Lice/anatomy & histology/classification, Mongolia, mtax, n.sp., Tricholipeurus

During an expedition through the east Mongolian steppes, an undescribed chewing louse (Insecta: Phthiraptera) of the genus Damalinia was collected on Mongolian gazelles, Procapra gutturosa. This represents the 1st report of a chewing louse on this poorly known antelope. After a short review of the distribution of this genus and its subgenera among host groups, the new species D. (Tricholipeurus) zaganseeri, n. sp. is described and illustrated. Its distinct morphology is compared with that of similar species.

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