The Degeeriella [Insecta: Mallophaga] parasitic on Pernis [Aves: Falconiformes]

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1957
Authors:T. Clay
Journal:Proceedings of the Zoological Society of Calcutta
Volume:Mookerjee Memor. Vol.
Pagination:339 - 347
Date Published:1957
Keywords:mtax, PHP

A new species of Mallophaga, Degeeriella mookerjeei, has been described from Pernis ptilorhyncus, and its differences from the allied D. phlyctopygus, parasitic on Pernis apivorus, have been detailed. D. mookerjee is the only species of the genus, which has sexually dimorphic antennae. Ths distribution of the species of Degeeriella in relation to the distribution of their hosts, has also been discussed. The fact that two distinct species of Degeeriella parasitize two species of Pernis may be taken as evidence supporting the ortho-taxonomic distinctness of the two hosts, but this is considered a unique case in view of the widespread distribution of other species of Degeeriella.

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