Ectoparasitism in the common chimango caracara Milvago chimango chimango (Vieillot, 1816) (Aves, Falconidae) in the Ñuble Area, Chile

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2005
Authors:J. San- Martin rdenes, Ibáñez, C. Brevis, Contreras, L. Rubilar, Schmäschke, R., Daugschies, A., González-Acuña, D.
Pagination:49 - 55
Date Published:2005
Keywords:Acutifrons, Aquiligogus, Caracaricola, chewing, Chile, Falconidae, Milvago

The paper is written in Spanish

The ectoparasites of Milvago c. chimango (Vieillot) in the Ñuble area were identified for qualitative and quantitative descriptive analyses. Three species of Phthiraptera were recorded (prevalences between parentheses): One Amblycera, Aquiligogus maculatus (Menoponidae –
100%), and two Ischnocera, Acutifrons vierai chimango (73.9 ± 9.2%) and Caracaricola chimangophilus (26.1 ± 9.2%) (both, Philopteridae). Moreover, three taxa of Acarina, Gabucinia sp. (Gabuciniidae – 69.6 ± 9.6%), Dubininia accipitrina (Xolalgidae – 52.2 ±10.4%), and mites belonging in Syringophilidae (39.1 ± 10.2%) were encountered. No species of Parasitiformes or Diptera were observed.

Original Publication:Ectoparasitismo en tiuque común Milvago chimango chimango (Vieillot, 1816) (Aves, Falconidae) en la zona de Ñuble, Chile.
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