Estudos sobre Malófagos. Revisão monográfica do género Columbicola Ewing (Ischnocera, Philopteridae)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1965
Authors:J. Tendeiro
Journal:Memorias da Junta de Investigaçoes do Ultramar (Série 2)
Pagination:1 - 460
Date Published:1965
Keywords:mtax, PHP

In this monographic review of the genus Columbicola in world scale, the author has grouped in 45 species and subspecies the already known forms -with the exception of C. fortis (TASCHENBERG, 1882), the sole possibly valid species from which it was not possible to observe any specimens, either typical or from the typical host -as well as a number of other hitherto new species. All these forms were parasites of Colymbiforms, except C. paradoxus n. sp., obtained in Sphecotheres flaviventris GOULD, Passeriforme of the family Oriolidae. The material obtained off Columbiformes came from 152 different hosts; some cases of parasitary transgression were also noticed in one Tinamiforme, two Falconiformes, one Galiforme, one Charadriiforme, one Cuculiforme, and four Passeriformes, the latter of the family Menuridae, Muscicapidae, Paradieseidae and Mimidae. The species observed were divided in two types, according to the pterothoracic chaetotaxy (type 2+2 and type 3 + 1), the former comprising five groups (columbae, baculoides, passerinae, streptopeliae and becheti) and the latter three groups (gracilicapitis, longiceps and paradoxus). Together with other already known taxa, among which seven species and subspecies created in other places by the A., sixteen new forms are described, respectively four in the group columbae (C. kéleri n. sp., C. fradei n . s p ., C . guimarãesi n. sp. and C. guimarãesi grandiusculus n. subsp.) , two in the group passerinae (C. orientalis n. sp. and C. carrikeri n. sp.), one in the group streptopeliae (C. streptopeliae senegalensis n. subsp.), one in the group becheti (C. becheti n. sp.) , six in the group grucilicapitis (C. timmermanni n. sp., C. emersoni curtus n. subsp., C. clayae insularis n. subsp., C. wardi n. sp., C. elbeli n. sp. and C. elbeli phoenicopterae n. subsp.), one in the group longiceps (C. cavifrons harrisoni n. subsp.), and one constituting the group paradoxus (C. paradoxus n. sp.) , a total of ten species and six subspecies. Considered as non-identifiable there were three Columbicola described in atypical hosts, one (C. setae) with the typical material constituted by a juvenile form, and the remaining two (C. longisetaceus and C. menura) insufficiently described and whose material was lost. Concerning nomenclature, the Author has compiled a list of the designations attributed to the hitherto described Columbicola, including the original names and the new combinations, as well as the identifications or synonymies disagreeing with the terms accepted in this revision.

The attached pdf is for pages 195 to 208 with a couple of pages of photos

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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith