Geomydoecus bulleri complex (Mallophaga: Trichodectidae) from bullers pocket gopher, Pappogeomys bulleri (Rodentia: Geomyidae), in westcentral Mexico

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1989
Authors:R. D. Price, Hellenthal R. A.
Journal:Annals of the Entomological Society of America
Pagination:279 - 285
Date Published:1989
Keywords:geomydoecus, Insecta, Mallophaga, mtax, PHP

Five species and subspecies of Geomydoecus from Pappogeomys bulleri pocket gophers are described and illustrated: G. bulleri bulleri Price and Emerson (type host: P. bulleri bulleri (Thomas)). G. b. melanuri Price and Hellenthal, n. ssp. (type host: P. b. melanurus Genbways and Jones); G. b. intermedius Price and Hellenthal, n. ssp. (type host: P. b. ssp.); G. burti Price and Hellenthal, n. sp. (type host: P. b. burti Goldman); and G. nadleri Price and Hellenthal, n. sp. (type host: P. b. nayaritensis Goldman). A key is provided for the identification of these five taxa.

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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith