Malaulipeurus alexandermuelleri gen. et spec. nov. (Insecta, Phthiraptera, Ischnocera) - ein neuer federling von Megapodius pritchardii (Megapodiidae)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1993
Authors:E. Mey, Curio E.
Journal:Entomologische Abhandlungen Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde Dresden
Pagination:141 - 151
Date Published:1993
Keywords:mtax, PHP

Mulaulipeurus alexandermuelleri gen. et spec. nov. is described and designated the generotype. Its host, the Tongan Malau (Megapodius pritchardii) is endemic to Niuafo'ou Island. Reasons are given supporting the monophyly of Malaulipeurus that comprises also M. latifasciatus (PIAGET) and M. sinuatus (TASCHENBERG). Apart from Malaulipeurus alexandermuelleri, the study skin scrutinized for ectoparasites harboured three more chewing lice, i. e. two more ischnoceran (goniodid) and one Amblyceran (menoponid) species. The nits of two of these three species are cursorily described, yet cannot be identified down to the species level. From the host specificity of the Mallophaga of Megapodius pritchardii and the imminent threat to the latter's small host population it is deduced that the ectoparasites are threatened by extinction as well. In executing the conservation project for the Malau this aspect must be given due attention.

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