Metazoan parasites of Himantopus mexicanus Muller (Aves) from southwestern Texas, with a checklist of helminth parasites from North America

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1988
Authors:J. G. Hinojos, Canaris A. G.
Journal:Journal of Parasitology
Pagination:326 - 331
Date Published:1988
Keywords:animals, bird, bird diseases, Cestoda, Comparative Study, Helminths, Lice Infestations/epidemiology/parasitology/veterinary, Mallophaga, Mite Infestations/epidemiology/parasitology/veterinary, Nematoda/isolation & purification, Nematode Infections/epidemiology/parasitology/veterinary, North America, Texas, Trematoda

Nineteen species of helminths were recovered from 34 of 35 black-necked stilts, Himantopus mexicanus Muller, collected from the Fort Bliss ponds, El Paso County, Texas. New host records are marked with an. The species identified were: Acoleus vaginatus, Davainea himantopodis, Diplophallus polymorphus, Eurycestus avoceti, Hymenolepis himantopodis, Hymenolepis sp. 1, Infula macrophallus, Coacitrema michiganensis, Cyclocoelum lanceolatum, Notocotylus sp., Parastrigea mexicanus, Tanaisia fedtschenkoi, Capillaria sp., C. anatis, C. contorta, C. mergi, Chevreuxia americana, Eustronglydes mergorum, and Splendidofilaria sp. Six species of mallophagan lice and 1 species of nasal mite, Rhinonyssus himantopus, were recovered. Helminths showed little concentration for dominance (0.09), were not very evenly distributed (0.49 +/- 0.08) nor very diverse (0.73 +/- 0.14), and most species were highly aggregated. The helminth community consisted of an unusually large number of core species (10). Three large species of tapeworms exhibited mostly paired infections, were mutually exclusive, and were negatively associated (-1).

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