A new Craspedorrhynchus species (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera) from Austrailia, with an annotated checklist of this chewing louse genus

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2001
Authors:E. Mey
Journal:Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift
Pagination:117 - 132
Date Published:2001
Keywords:annotated, Australia, checklist, Craspedorrhynchus, Ischnocera, mtax, Philopteridae, PHP, sp.nov., species

Craspedorrhynchus reichelti sp. n. ex Aquila a. audox (Latham) from Victoria (Australia) is described. In this context, research history and present status of taxonomic knowledge of the genus Craspedorrhynchus Keler (Philopteridae sensu lato) are outlined and morphological characters are suggested to enable a further subdivision of the same to species groups in advance of a revision of the genus. All species are presented in a numbered annotated checklist, with type locality, hosts, previous descriptions (including synonyms), and other relevant taxonomic comments, giving the following picture: 37 species have been +/- recognizably described (a fraction of the actual expected number). They exclusively infest members of the Falconiformes, almost always one Craspedorrhynchus species to one host. Subspecies are not distinguished, although slight morphological differences between those on hosts of differing origins seem to offer some justification for doing so. The type host of C. insolitus Kéler is not Aquila wahlbergi but possibly an African Accipiter species. Type material no longer exists for 10 other species described in the l9th century. It is recommended that "Docophorus cicatricosus Percheron, 1835" ex "Aigle", should in future be suppressed as a nomen oblitum.

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