New data on the lice (Phthiraptera) of some birds in Northern Dobrogea (Romania)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2006
Authors:J. Rékási, Kiss J. Botond
Pagination:139 - 145
Date Published:2006

The authors present new data on the lice (Phthiraptera) from birds collected between 14 Apr 2004 and 20 May 2006 in northern Dobrogea. In this period 186 individuals of 30 bird species were checked. 31 louse species were collected from 76 birds representing 21 species, while 110 birds belonging to 15 species were free of lice. The occurrence of some of these parasite species in this area had already been published, however, 5 species are new to the area and another 5 species (Eucolpocephalum femorale, Laemobothrion maximum, Austromenopon phaeopodis, Strigiphilus portigi, Brueelia obligate) are new to the Romanian fauna. The authors also provide data on host body specificity and abundance of lice.

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