A New Genus and Species of Philopteridae (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera) from the Trumpeters (Aves: Gruiformes: Psophiidae)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2012
Authors:M. Paiva Valim, Weckstein J. D.
Journal:Journal of Parasitology
Pagination:728 - 734
Date Published:08/2012
Keywords:new genera, new species, Palmaellus inexpectatus

A new chewing louse genus and species belonging to the Philopteridae, namely, Palmaellus inexpectatus n. gen., n. sp., is described. The new genus is distinguished from the other ischnoceran genera hitherto described by its peculiar characters of the dorsal anterior head plate with 2 postero-lateral projections, pterothorax and abdomen with scarce chaetotaxy, male genitalia with simple mesomere and paramere lacking inner digitiform projection, and the genital region of female with postero-vulvar plates bearing setae. It is a parasite of the trumpeters, an avian family endemic to South America’s Amazon Basin.

Short Title:Journal of Parasitology
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