New, known and unidentified species of Eulimdana (Nematoda): additional information on biologically unusual filarioids of charadriiform birds

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1992
Authors:C. M. Bartlett
Journal:Systematic Parasitology
Pagination:209 - 230
Date Published:1992

Eulimdana spp. were found in 13 of 32 species of charadriiform birds from North America and Iceland; 88 of 636 adult birds and seven of 72 juvenile birds harboured infections. Described are: E. andersoni n.sp. from Chlidonias niger; E. metcalforum n. sp. from Sterna hirundo; E. sonini n. sp. from Charadrius hiaticula; E. wongae n. sp. from Limosa fedoa; and E. bainae n. sp. from Numenius phaeopus. Eulimdana asperum Bartlett, Anderson, & Bush, 1989 is reported for the second time in its type-host, Phalaropus tricolor. The emerging pattern of one parasite species to one host species suggests that most Eulimdana species are strongly host specific. However, E. fiorencae Bartlett & Anderson, 1990 is reported for the first time in a second species of Calidris (C. alba) and may be the unidentified species found in C. bairdii, C. alpina and C. pusilla. Other unidentified species were found in Larus pipixcan, Arenaria interpres and Recurvirostra americana. A key to species-groups (three are proposed) and species of Eulimdana in charadriiforms is given. Two pieces of evidence support an earlier suggestion that infections are acquired by neo-natal charadriiforms: (1) the presence of E. wongae in a bird captured as a chick and examined after two months in captivity; and (2) a greater frequency of mixed sex infections with microfilariae in infected juvenile birds (four of seven) than in infected adult birds (five of 88). The latter also supports an earlier suggestion that post-reproductive worms are ephemeral

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