New records and nymphal stages of the Anoplura from Central and East Africa, with descriptions of a new Hoplopleura species

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1968
Authors:K. Chung Kim, Emerson K. C.
Journal:Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines
Pagination:5 - 45
Date Published:1968
Keywords:Africa, Hoplopleura, neohaematopinus, Pediculus, Polyplax, Primates, Proenderleinellus, rodentia, Schizophthirus, Scipio, Troester

Troester; Hoplopleura nasvikae ( von Malacomys longipes centralis; Congo). H. dendromuris; inexpectans; intermedia; laticeps; oenomydis; pelomydis; rukenya; setzeri; somereni; zelotomydis. Schizophthirus graphiuri. Scipio aulacodi; breviceps. Neohaematopinus heliosciuri. Polyplax abyssinica; arvicanthis; cummingsi; myotomydis; otomydis; phthisica; praomydis; reclinata; smallwoodae; spinulosa; vacillata; waterstoni; Proenderleinellus calva. Pediculus schaeffi. Africa; Larven; Rodentia; Primates; Chaetotaxie.

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