Obserwacje nad zywotnoscia wszolow (Mallophaga) z martwych gluszcow (Tetrao urogallus L.)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1962
Authors:J. Złotorzycka, Danecki J.
Journal:Wiadomosci parazytologiczne
Pagination:599 - 564
Date Published:1962
Keywords:biology, development, diet, Gert, Oxylipeurus

Paper in Polish

English title: Observations on vitality of (Mallophaga) from dead wood-grouse (Tetrao urogallus L.)

Abstract: The results of the work are based on observations concerning the vitality of Mallophaga on four skins of wood-grouse (Tetrao urogallus L.) hunted down and subjected to dermoplastic treatment. The authors state that the Mallophaga on the preparated skins are capable to live and multiply still two to four weeks after the death of the host

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