Occurrence and number of lice Polyplax reclinata (Nitzsch, 1864) in the Crocidura leucodon (Hermann, 1780) population from Putawy (Hermann, 1780)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1980
Authors:L. Cais
Journal:Wiadomosci parazytologiczne
Pagination:77 - 81
Date Published:1980
ISBN Number:0043-5163
Keywords:animals, English Abstract, host parasite, Insectivora, lice, Poland, population density

Polish title: Występowanie i liczebność wszy Polyplax reclinata (Nitsch, 1864) na puławskiej populacji Crocidura leucodon (Hermann, 1780)

English Abstract: Numerous occurrence of Po!yp!ax rec!inata was stated on specimens of Crocidura !eucodon collected at Puławy. This mamma! is a new host species of P. rec!inata in Poland. The extensity of invasion is estimated as 48 . 5% in years 1949-50 (table 1), and the intensity was higher in autumn than in summer (table 2).

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