Ocorrência de Eutrichophilus mexicanus (Rudow, 1866) e Eutrichophilus lobatus (Ewing, 1936) (Phthiraptera: Trichodectidae) em Sphiggurus villosus (Cuvier, 1825) (Rodentia: Erethizontidae) no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2001
Authors:C. Pinto, Possati, M., Guerim, L., Fedullo, L. P., R. Silva, daRocha e, da Serra-Freire, N. Maués
Journal:Entomología y Vectores, Rio de Janeiro
Pagination:133 - 137
Date Published:2001

Four captive tree porcupines, Sphiggurus villosus, from a zoo in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, were examined for Mallophaga. The 34 samples collected were prepared for microscopy and identified as Eutrichophilus mexicanus and E. lobatus

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