Oogenesis in phthirapterans (Insecta: Phthiraptera). 1. Morphological and histochemical characterization of the oocyte nucleus and its inclusions

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2004
Authors:M. Zelazowska, Jaglarz M. K.
Journal:Arthropod Structure and Development
Pagination:161 - 172
Date Published:2004
Keywords:Nuclear bodies; Nucleolus; Karyosome; Accessory nuclei; Insect ultrastructure

We characterize morphological and histochemical changes occurring within the oocyte nucleus (germinal vesicle) during oogenesis in two phthirapteran species: the pig louse, Haematopinus suis (Anoplura) and the pigeon louse, Columbicola columbae (Mallophaga). In previtellogenic oocytes, within the oocyte nucleus the chromatin condenses and forms the karyosome. In contact with the karyosome numerous dense and highly heterogeneous nuclear bodies occur. We demonstrate that these nuclear inclusions have complex structure and contain RNA and argyrophilic proteins of nucleolar organizer (Ag-NOR proteins). Results of immunogold electron microscopy experiments are also presented. The obtained results suggest that the phthirapteran nuclear bodies are assemblages of ribonucleoproteins that are stored in the oocyte nucleus and might be utilized during early stages of embryonic development.
In the investigated species, the nuclear envelope of the germinal vesicle is equipped with characteristic protrusions. Ultrastructural analysis revealed striking similarity of these structures to the initial stages of the formation of accessory nuclei. Based on these results, we speculate on the possible evolutionary origin of the accessory nuclei in phthirapterans.

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