Parasitologic note: parasites of notu (Ducula goliath, Columbiform). about some observations

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1996
Authors:F. Beugnet, Gadat, R., Chardonnet, L.
Journal:Recueil De Medecine Veterinaire
Pagination:421 - 424
Date Published:1996
Keywords:Amblycera, Caledonia, Ducula, Ischnocera, new, Notu, parasite, Survey

The Notu is an endemic arboricole pigeon from New Caledonia. A two years study of these birds permitted the observation of parasites. The parasites isolated from Notus are one Hippoboscidae, two Mallophaga lice species, and a subcutaneous filarial worm. Eggs from Nematoda and coccidian oocysts have also been observed by coproscopic studies. The pathogenicity of the parasites is discussed.

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