A review of the genus Holomenopon (Mallophaga: Menoponidae) from the Anseriformes

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1971
Authors:R. D. Price
Journal:Annals of the Entomological Society of America
Pagination:633 - 646
Date Published:1971
Keywords:mtax, PHP

Sixteen species of Holomenopon Eichler are recognized and discussed, and 10 species are illustrated. This includes 3 new species : H. acutae from Anas acuta, H. clauseni from Aix sponsa, and H. bucephalae from Bucephala albeola. There are 11 new synonymies : H. leucoxanthum (Burmeister) (= Menopon lunarium Rudow , M. albofasciatum Piaget , M. nyrocae Blagoveshtchensky , H. concii Eichler , H. dendrocypgni Carriker, and H. hanslöhrli Eichler) ; H. tumidum (Piaget) (= M. africanum Kellogg & Paine) ; and H. tadornue (Gervais) (= M. extraneum Piaget , M. eulasium Kellogg, H. museigottingense Eichler, and H. boetticheri Eichler). A neotype is designated for H. leucoxanthum. A key to the species is given.

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