A review of the Geomydoecus minor complex (Mallophaga: Trichodectidae) from Thomomys (Rodentia: Geomyidae)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1980
Authors:R. D. Price, Hellenthal R. A.
Journal:Journal of Medical Entomology
Pagination:298 - 313
Date Published:1980
Keywords:mtax, PHP

Nine species of the Geomydoecus (Thomomydoecus) minor complex are described and illustrated: G. (T.) minor from 43 subspecies of' Thomomys bottae and 3 of T. umbrinus (type-host; T. b. tularosae); G. (T.) birneyi, n. sp. from 2 subspecies of T. bottae and 3 of T. umbrinus (type-host: T. u. sonoriensis); G. (t.) zacatecae, n. sp. from 11 subspecies of T. umbrinus and 5 of T. bottae (type-host: T. u. zacatecae); G. (T.) timmi, n. sp. from 27 subspecies of T. bottae (type-host: T. b. nigricans); G. (T.) dickermani from 2 subspecies of T. umbrinus (type-host: T. u. tolucae); G. (T.) markhafneri, n. sp. from T. u. umbrinus; G. (T.) williamsi, n. sp. from T. umbrinus subsp. from Tlaxcala, Mexico; G. (T.) orizabae, n. sp. from 2 subspecies of T. umbrinus (type-host: T. u. orizabae); and G. (T.) johnhafneri, n. sp. from T. u. vulcanius. A key is given for the identification of the males of the complex.

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