A revision of the genus Harrisoniella (Mallophaga: Philopteridae)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1984
Authors:R. L. Palma, Pilgrim R. L. C.
Journal:New Zealand Journal of Zoology
Pagination:145 - 166
Date Published:1984
Keywords:Chewing lice, Diomedea, Diomedeidae, Harrisoniella, host, lice, Mallophaga, mtax, new, Philopteridae, PHP, specimens, synonymies, systematics, taxonomy, type

Four species of the genus Harrisoniella Bedford, 1929 are recognised. Two further species are placed in synonymy. These, together with their hosts are H. ferox (Giebel, 1867) (=D. irroratae Kéler, 1957 new synonymy; = H. chilensis Carriker, 1964 new synonymy) on Diomedea melanophrys melanophrys, D. m. impavida, D. irrorata, D. cauta cauta, D. c. salvini, and D. bulleri; H. densa (Kellogg, 1896) on D. albatrus and D. immutabilis; H. hopkinsi Eichler, 1952 on D. exulans exulans, D. e. chionoptera, D. epomophora epomophora, and D. e. sanfordi; H. copei Timmermann, 1969 on D. nigripes. A key and illustrations to adult males and females of the species are provided and a neotype is designated for Harrisoniella ferox(Giebel, 1867). The relationships of the host are discussed with respect to their lice; attention is drawn to the species of Diomedeidae from which no records of Harrsoniella spp. exist. A bibliography of the genus and of all species, valid and synonymised, is given.

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