A revision of the genus Naubates (Insecta: Phthiraptera: Philopteridae)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2002
Authors:R. L. Palma, Pilgrim R. L. C.
Journal:Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand
Pagination:7 - 60
Date Published:2002
Keywords:mtax, PHP

Ten species of the genus Naubates Bedford, 1930 are recognised, including two new species: N. (Guenterion) ultimae n. sp. from Pterodroma ultima, and N. (Guenterion) lessonii n. sp. from Pterodroma lessonii. The genus Naubates is subdivided into two subgenera: the subgenus Naubates sensu stricto containing three species, and the new subgenus Guenterion n. sg. containing seven species. Keys, together with measurements and illustrations, are provided to both male and female adults of all the species, including Naubates thieli Timmermann, 1965 which is illustrated for the first time. A key to the subgenera is also provided. A lectotype is designated for Lipeurus prioni Enderlein, 1908. The morphological relationships of Naubates species and their host distribution are discussed with respect to the current classification of their host taxa.

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