Structure and seasonal dynamics of the biotic community ectoparasites of the bank vole in the Il'men'-Volkhov lowland

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2002
Authors:I. U. S. Balashov, Bochkov, A. V., Vashchenok, V. S., Grigor'eva, L. A., Tret'iakov, K. A.
Pagination:433 - 446
Date Published:2002
ISBN Number:0031-1847
Keywords:animals, Comparative Study, ectoparasite, English Abstract, fleas, host parasite, Ixodes, lice, Microtinae/parasitology, mites, population density, Russia/epidemiology, Seasons, Species Specificity

A biodiversity, seasonal dynamics and parasite load of a single individual and local population of the bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus) were studied in coniferous and mixed forests of the Ilmen-Volkhov lowland (neighborhood of Oskuy village, Chudovo region, Novgorod Province) in the period from June 1999 till May 2002. The Gero's traps were used for collecting the host. Lines of traps stood in each place during 3-5 days and were checked twice a day. Trapping of micromammalian hosts and collecting of parasites took place each month, except a few gaps. Total number of collected animals 2854 including 1405 bank voles. The 29 ectoparasite species were recorded on the bank vole in the area of study. Among some mites and fleas a few species are accidental parasites probably accepted by voles from other species of animals. In the Oskuy area, the bank voles are the main and additional hosts of 25 ectoparasite species: fleas--8, lice--1, ixodid ticks--2, gamasid mites--7, acariform mites 7. Species composition of ectoparasites, their occurrence and abundance change during the year. Seasonal changes of abundance and occurrence indices are most expressed in the temporary ectoparasites (ixodid ticks, chiggers, gamasid mites), while in the permanent parasites (lice, acariform mites: Myobiidae, Myocoptidae, Listrophoridae), the seasonal fluctuations of indices are displayed in a less scale. Most vole specimens were infected with this or that ectoparasite species. The parasitocenosis on an individual specimen usually included less than 10 species of the total number 29 species recorded on the bank vole in the area investigated. One ectoparasite species was recorded on 21% of host specimens, 2-5 ectoparasite species were found on 71% of host individuals. Maximal number of ectoparasite species (10 species) was registered on one specimen only. The parasite load was dispersed unevenly among the infected voles. Mean number of parasites of all species on a host individual varied from 124 to 295. The highest grade of parasites (237-297 parasite specimens) was found in the voles with 7-10 species of parasites.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith