Sucking lice (Phthiraptera) from Mongolian mammals

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1999
Authors:J. Krištofík
Pagination:143 - 149
Date Published:1999
Keywords:distribution, fauna, mammal, Mongolia, Phthiraptera

During the joint zoological expeditions of the Comenius University Bratislava and the State University Ulan Bator and the Mongolian-German expeditions extensive collections of sucking lice were obtained from different mammal species in Mongolia. In total, 21 species of the genera Enderleinellus (3 species), Hoplopleura (5 species), Linognathus (1 species), Eulinognathus (4 species), Linognathoides (2 species), Neohaematopinus (1 species) and Polyplax (5 species) were found. 14 species were recorded in Mongolia for the first time. Within the lice species collected in Mongolia, Four species are distributed in the Holarctic region, 15 in the Palaearctic region, four among them penetrate also the Oriental region and two are cosmopolitan. A synthesis of data concerning hosts (mammals) of the lice species was also carried out.

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