On the treatment of Bovicola infestation in cattle - case report

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1995
Authors:E. Borisz, Robert N.
Journal:Magyar Allatorvosok Lapja
Pagination:170 - 171
Date Published:1995
Keywords:cattle, Control, Ischnocera

Of 59 Bovicola bovis infected cattle on a back-yard farm, 12 (3 x 4) were treated, 12 served as controls. The three insecticides and their application were: Pyretrin + permethrin pulvis inunction twice, spraying with a solution containing 0.1% deltamethrin, as well as diazinon. Hair sampling and investigation of samples were carried out seven times during a period of 93 days. Meanwhile the samples of treated animals were positive only during the first three samplings, nits, larvae and images were found even during the 5th and 6th sampling bf control animals. Bovicolosis was eradicated in all the three treated groups. However, it has been pointed out that real efficacy and prevention could only be obtained by the detection and ceasing of predisposing causes of Mallophaga infestation (complex control). An own developed sampling forceps, the end of which turn to each ether, has been demonstrated that can easily be used for sampling even in case of flucks of hair.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith