Wszy (Anoplura) zebrane na Gryzoniach w Tatrach Polskich

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1977
Authors:L. Cais
Journal:Wiadomosci Parazytologiczne
Pagination:455 - 462
Date Published:1977
Keywords:acanthopus, dyromydis, ecology, Hoplopleura, Poland, Polyplax, rodentia, Schizophthirus, Troester

English Title: Lice (Anoplura) collected from rodents in the Polish Tatra Mountains

Summary: A total of 644 lice were collected - Hoplopleura acanthopus, Hoplopleura edentulus, Schizophthirus dryomydis, Polyplax hannswrangeli, Polyplax spinigera, Polyplax borealis. P. borealis new species in Polish fauna and found in the high Tatra Mountain.

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