Zur taxonomie der auf großfußhühnern (Megapodidae) schmarotzenden Oxylipeurus - arten) (Insecta, Phthirpatera, Ischnocera, Lipeuridae)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1990
Authors:E. Mey
Journal:Zoologische Abhandlungen Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde Dresden
Pagination:103 - 116
Date Published:1990
Keywords:mtax, PHP

The avian ischnoceran genus Oxylipeurus Mjoberg, 1910 comprises four species parasitizing on the host genus Megapodius only. These are Oxylipeurus inaequalis (PIAGET), O. megapodiphilus n. sp. ex Megapodius nicobariensis sanghirensis , O. appendiculatus (PIAGET) and O. longiantennatus n. sp. ex Megapodius laperouse senex. They are described and illustrated. All known lipeurid species on hosts of the familiy Megapodiidae and their host distribution are listed. From 21 forms of Megapodiidae lipeurid species are unknown.

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