Louse-host associations

Louse Host Citation Data source
Quadraceps sellatus Sterna vittata A list of the chewing lice (Insecta: Mallophaga) from birds in New Zealand pg: 23 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Quadraceps sellatus Thalasseus bengalensis Phthiraptera pg: 214 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Quadraceps sellatus Thalasseus bergii A list of lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera) recorded from Tasmania pg: 18 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Quadraceps selliger Sterna hirundo World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Quadraceps semifissus Himantopus himantopus World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Quadraceps semifissus Himantopus mexicanus World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Quadraceps semifissus Himantopus novaezelandiae Amendments and additions to the 1982 list of chewing lice (Insects: Phthiraptera) form birds in New Zealand. 46:373-387. pg: 380 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Quadraceps semifissus Recurvirostra americana Metazoan parasites of Recurvirostra americana Gmelin (Aves), from southwestern Texas and Monte Vista National Wildlife Refuge, Colorado, with a checklist of helminth parasites hosted by by this species in North America pg: 87 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Quadraceps semifissus Recurvirostra andina World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Quadraceps semifissus Recurvirostra avosetta Neue und wenig bekannte Kletterfederlinge von charadriiformen Wirten pg: 166 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Quadraceps semifissus Recurvirostra novaehollandiae World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Quadraceps semifissus andinus Recurvirostra andina World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Quadraceps semifissus mexicanus Himantopus mexicanus World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Quadraceps semipalmatus Limnodromus semipalmatus World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Quadraceps senegalensis Podica senegalensis camerunensis Phthiraptera (Insecta) pg: 152 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Quadraceps separatus Anous stolidus World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Quadraceps signatus Recurvirostra avosetta World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Quadraceps signatus Recurvirostra novaehollandiae Phthiraptera pg: 215 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Quadraceps similis Tringa melanoleuca Suborder Ischnocera pg: 146 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Quadraceps similis Tringa nebularia World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Quadraceps sinensis Vanellus cinereus World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Quadraceps solitarius Prosobonia cancellata World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Quadraceps stellaepolaris Catharacta skua Enigmatic phylogeny of skuas (Aves: Stercorariidae) pg: 186 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Quadraceps stellaepolaris Stercorarius pomarinus World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Quadraceps stellatus Sterna hirundo World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Quadraceps stictochrous Dromas ardeola World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Quadraceps strepsilaris Arenaria interpres World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Quadraceps strepsilaris Arenaria melanocephala Suborder Ischnocera pg: 146 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Quadraceps subcingulatus Arenaria interpres World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Quadraceps subfuscus Actitis hypoleucos World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Quadraceps thapari Sterna aurantia World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Quadraceps titicacae Thinocorus orbignyianus ingae World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Quadraceps titschacki Eurypyga helias major World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Quadraceps triangulatus Stercorarius parasiticus World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Quadraceps umbrinus Scopus umbretta World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Quadraceps vaginalis Chionis minor World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Quadraceps vaginalis Chionis minor nasicornis World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Quadraceps vanelli Pluvialis squatarola World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Quadraceps vanelli Vanellus vanellus World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Quadraceps waterstoni Tringa solitaria World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Quadraceps zephyra Recurvirostra americana World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Quateia irianensis Otidiphaps nobilis World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Rallicola acuminatus Ardea egretta A Check list of the Genera & Species of Mallophaga pg: 318 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Rallicola acutifrons chocoana Synallaxis albescens hypoleuca World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Rallicola acutifrons subsimilis Certhiaxis cinnamomea fuscifrons World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Rallicola Aptericola gadowi Apteryx australis australis World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Rallicola Aptericola gadowi Apteryx australis lawryi A list of the chewing lice (Insecta: Mallophaga) from birds in New Zealand pg: 3 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Rallicola Aptericola gadowi Apteryx owenii A list of the chewing lice (Insecta: Mallophaga) from birds in New Zealand pg: 3 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Rallicola Aptericola gracilentus Apteryx haastii World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Rallicola Aptericola pilgrimi Apteryx owenii World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith