Louse-host associations

Louse Host Citation Data source
Tinamotaecola andinae Chunga burmeisteri A review of the chewing louse genus Tinamotaecola (Phthiraptera: Philopteridae), with the description of three new species pg: 137 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Tinamotaecola andinae Tinamotis pentlandii World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Tinamotaecola elegans Eudromia elegans A review of the chewing louse genus Tinamotaecola (Phthiraptera: Philopteridae), with the description of three new species pg: 139 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Tinamotaecola elegans Eudromia elegans elegans World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Tinamotaecola wardi Cariama cristata World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Tinamotaecola zyskowskii Cariama cristata World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Trabeculus aviator Puffinus puffinus puffinus World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Trabeculus dimorphus Puffinus puffinus puffinus World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Trabeculus flemingi Puffinus huttoni World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Trabeculus fuscoclypeatus Pterodroma alba Taxonomie und hospitale verbreitung der Mallophagengattung Trabeculus Rudow, 1866 pg: 491 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Trabeculus fuscoclypeatus Pterodroma arminjoniana Taxonomie und hospitale verbreitung der Mallophagengattung Trabeculus Rudow, 1866 pg: 491 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Trabeculus fuscoclypeatus Pterodroma hasitata Relationships of the Pterodroma petrels from the Madeira Archipelago inferred from their feather lice pg: 327 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Trabeculus fuscoclypeatus Pterodroma neglecta World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Trabeculus heteracanthus Procellaria gigantea Die Federlingsfauna der Sturmvögel und die Phylogenese des procellariiformen vogelstammes pg: 132 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Trabeculus hexakon Calonectris leucomelas World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Trabeculus hexakon Procellaria aequinoctialis World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Trabeculus hexakon Procellaria cinerea Suborder Ischnocera pg: 174 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Trabeculus hexakon Procellaria parkinsoni A list of the chewing lice (Insecta: Mallophaga) from birds in New Zealand pg: 10 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Trabeculus hexakon Procellaria westlandica A list of the chewing lice (Insecta: Mallophaga) from birds in New Zealand pg: 11 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Trabeculus hexakon Pterodroma axillaris A list of the chewing lice (Insecta: Mallophaga) from birds in New Zealand pg: 9 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Trabeculus hexakon Pterodroma cookii Records of Mallophaga from Pacific birds pg: 27 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Trabeculus hexakon Pterodroma externa externa A list of the chewing lice (Insecta: Mallophaga) from birds in New Zealand pg: 8 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Trabeculus hexakon Pterodroma hypoleuca Records of Mallophaga from Pacific birds pg: 27 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Trabeculus hexakon Pterodroma leucoptera Taxonomie und hospitale verbreitung der Mallophagengattung Trabeculus Rudow, 1866 pg: 488 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Trabeculus hexakon Pterodroma longirostris A list of the chewing lice (Insecta: Mallophaga) from birds in New Zealand pg: 9 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Trabeculus hexakon Pterodroma nigripennis A list of the chewing lice (Insecta: Mallophaga) from birds in New Zealand pg: 9 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Trabeculus hexakon Pterodroma pycrofti A list of the chewing lice (Insecta: Mallophaga) from birds in New Zealand pg: 9 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Trabeculus hexakon Puffinus carneipes A list of the chewing lice (Insecta: Mallophaga) from birds in New Zealand pg: 11 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Trabeculus hexakon Puffinus creatopus Suborder Ischnocera pg: 174 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Trabeculus hexakon Puffinus gravis Suborder Ischnocera pg: 174 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Trabeculus hexakon Puffinus griseus Suborder Ischnocera pg: 174 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Trabeculus hexakon Puffinus pacificus Records of Mallophaga from Pacific birds pg: 7 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Trabeculus hexakon Puffinus tenuirostris Suborder Ischnocera pg: 174 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Trabeculus mirabilis Puffinus assimilis A list of the chewing lice (Insecta: Mallophaga) from birds in New Zealand pg: 12 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Trabeculus mirabilis Puffinus lherminieri Taxonomie und hospitale verbreitung der Mallophagengattung Trabeculus Rudow, 1866 pg: 496 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Trabeculus mirabilis Puffinus opisthomelas World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Trabeculus mirabilis Puffinus puffinus newelli World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Trabeculus oestrelatae Pterodroma mollis World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Trabeculus schillingi Pterodroma caribbaea Relationships of the Pterodroma petrels from the Madeira Archipelago inferred from their feather lice pg: 327 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Trabeculus schillingi Pterodroma feae Relationships of the Pterodroma petrels from the Madeira Archipelago inferred from their feather lice pg: 327 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Trabeculus schillingi Pterodroma incerta Taxonomie und hospitale verbreitung der Mallophagengattung Trabeculus Rudow, 1866 pg: 492 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Trabeculus schillingi Pterodroma inexpectata Taxonomie und hospitale verbreitung der Mallophagengattung Trabeculus Rudow, 1866 pg: 492 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Trabeculus schillingi Pterodroma lessonii Mallophaga and Anoplura of Subantarctic Islands pg: 218 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Trabeculus schillingi Pterodroma macroptera Taxonomie und hospitale verbreitung der Mallophagengattung Trabeculus Rudow, 1866 pg: 492 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Trabeculus schillingi Pterodroma madeira Relationships of the Pterodroma petrels from the Madeira Archipelago inferred from their feather lice pg: 327 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Trabeculus schillingi Pterodroma mollis World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Trabeculus schillingi Pterodroma solandri Amendments and additions to the 1982 list of chewing lice (Insects: Phthiraptera) form birds in New Zealand. 46:373-387. pg: 378 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Trichodectes canis Canis aureus A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals pg: 45 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Trichodectes canis Canis latrans A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals pg: 45 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Trichodectes canis Canis lupus A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals pg: 45 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith