Louse-host associations

Louse Host Citation Data source
Bovicola ovisarietis Ovis aries World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Bovicola painei Corvus semicinctus A Check list of the Genera & Species of Mallophaga pg: 106 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Bovicola parumpilosus Equus caballus World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Bovicola parumpilosus tarsatus Equus caballus World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Bovicola penicillatus Macropus penicillatus A Check list of the Genera & Species of Mallophaga pg: 107 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Bovicola peregrinus Mycteria crumenifera A Check list of the Genera & Species of Mallophaga pg: 107 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Bovicola pilosus Capra hircus World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Bovicola pilosus Equus caballus World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Bovicola pubescens Equus caballus World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Bovicola punctus Lamprotornis sp A Check list of the Genera & Species of Mallophaga pg: 107 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Bovicola rupicaprae Rupicapra rupicapra World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Bovicola sachtlebeni Capra hircus World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Bovicola scalaris Bos taurus World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Bovicola sedecimdecembrii bison Bison bison World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Bovicola similis Cervus elaphus scoticus World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Bovicola solidus Capra hircus World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Bovicola sphaerocephalus Ovis aries World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Bovicola sphaerocephalus Ovis aries World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Bovicola Spinibovicola hemitragi Hemitragus jemlahicus World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Bovicola Spinibovicola multispinosus Pseudois nayaur World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Bovicola tauri Bos taurus World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Bovicola vestitus Equus caballus World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Bovicola wernecki Capra hircus World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Bovicola Werneckiella aspilopygus Equus burchelli boehmi World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Bovicola Werneckiella equi Equus caballus World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Bovicola Werneckiella equi Equus hemionus A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals pg: 57 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Bovicola Werneckiella fulvus Ammotragus lervia World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Bovicola Werneckiella neglectus Ammotragus lervia World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Bovicola Werneckiella ocellatus Equus asinus A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals pg: 57 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Bovicola Werneckiella ocellatus Equus burchelli burchelli World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Bovicola Werneckiella ocellatus Equus caballus A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals pg: 57 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Bovicola Werneckiella zebrae Equus zebra hartmannae World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Bovicola Werneckiella zuluensis Equus burchelli antiquorum World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Brueelia abbasi Thraupis abbas World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Brueelia abluda Turdus philomelos World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Brueelia abrupta Colinus virginianus A Check list of the Genera & Species of Mallophaga pg: 53 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Brueelia acuminata Sicalis flaveola pelzelni World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Brueelia acutangulata Gracula religiosa World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Brueelia addoloratoi Turdus rufiventris rufiventris World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Brueelia affinis Cyanocorax affinis affinis World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Brueelia affinis Garrulus glandarius World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Brueelia afzali Corvus cryptoleucus World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Brueelia albida Lamprotornis nitens World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Brueelia albiventris Tachycineta albiventer World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Brueelia alexandrii Petronia petronia barbara World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Brueelia altaica Montifringilla nivalis alpicola World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Brueelia amazonae Amazona ochrocephala A Check list of the Genera & Species of Mallophaga pg: 53 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Brueelia amazonae Cacicus cela cela A Check list of the Genera & Species of Mallophaga pg: 53 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Brueelia americana Molothrus ater ater World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Brueelia ampullata Cyanopica cyana cooki World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith