Revision of Draft Constitution (04) of the “International Society of Phthirapterists” (ISoP) from Tue, 2013-10-22 15:54


The “International Society of Phthirapterists” (ISoP) is formed with the object of advancing the study of Phthiraptera (lice) and louse-borne disease. For the purposes of ratifying the constitution and for the calendar years of 2007 the registered attendees of the ICP3, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, will be considered members of the Society. Thereafter it will be the responsibility of the Council to decide whether dues will be asked for membership from 2008. The Society will be run by five officers (a President, Program Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary, and Editor) who together with two councillors will form a council that oversees the groups’ government and operation. Any council member may hold two positions on the council except the post of president and program chairperson, and any society member is eligible for election to any position on the council subject to their nomination and second by other society members. Council members will normally hold office for the period between society meetings, and none will hold office in the same post for more than two terms. If more than one candidate is available for a post, the candidate receiving the most votes shall be elected through a ballot of members. Ballots will normally occur during the society meeting or by electronic means at other times.


The name of this organization shall be the International Society of Phthirapterists.


The object of this society shall be to advance the study of Phthiraptera (lice) and louse-borne diseases in all its aspects of theory, principles, methodology, and practice. With this object in mind the Society shall be organized and operated as a non-profit organization exclusively for scientific and educational purposes.


Section 1. Eligibility

Anyone who is interested in the object of the Society and endorses the constitution is eligible for membership.

Section 2. Election of Members

Upon application to the Secretary of the Society, accompanied by payment of dues (if any), an applicant will be accepted for membership, subject to formal approval by the Council.

Section 3. Dues

The dues for all membership classes shall be established by a two-thirds vote of the Council and shall be paid in advance by Members upon presentation of a bill.

Section 4. Rights of Membership

Members of the Society are those whose dues have been paid or are otherwise identified in the Constitution and Bylaws. They shall be entitled to vote in all Society elections, to receive the Society’s principal publication (if any), to hold office in the Society, and to participate in other usual membership functions.

Section 5. Suspension and Reinstatement

Those whose dues are not paid by one year to their bills presentation are no longer members of the Society and forfeit all membership rights.

Section 6. Emeritus Membership

A member who has retired from gainful employment and who is regarded by their peers to have advanced the objectives of the Society for a period of not less than 10 years may, upon application or nomination to the Secretary and approval by the Council, be designated an Emeritus Member. Emeritus Members shall be exempt from further payment of dues, but shall have full rights of voting and participation in activities and may receive the principal publication of the Society (if any) at a reduced rate determined by the Council.

Section 7. Patrons

Any person may become a Patron of the Society, subject to the approval of the Council, by making an appropriate monetary contribution in an amount determined by the Council. Patrons shall be entitled to all rights of membership for life without further payment of dues.

Section 8. Student Members

Any person who is currently enrolled as a student in a degree-granting institution is eligible for student membership upon presentation of student certification by an instructor and payment of dues as determined by the Council. Student Members shall have all rights of membership.


Section 1. Officers

The officers of the Society shall be the President, Program Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, and Editor. No one person can hold more than two official positions within the Society at any point in time, except the post of President and Program Chairperson who can only hold their respective office. Any person with dual official responsibilities shall retain the voting rights of a single person. All officers must be members of the Society at the time of their election and for the duration of their term in office. They shall discharge the duties of their respective offices under the direction of the President, and are responsible to the Council. They shall be governed by such rules and regulations as the Council may promulgate, in addition those defined by the Constitution and Bylaws. A vacancy in these offices may be filled by the Council with an interim appointee, until a regular replacement can be elected and take office at the next Society Meeting.

Section 2. President

The President shall be elected by the membership from those members who, by their scientific achievement, are considered to be among the leaders in advancing the mission of the society. The President shall preside at meetings of the Council, and shall be a voting member of the Council, ex officio, during the term of office. The President shall appoint such committees, delegates, and special representatives of the Society as are necessary and appropriate.

Section 3. Program Chairperson

The Program Chairman shall be responsible for the organization of the meetings of the Society.

Section 4. Secretary

The Secretary shall be responsible for conducting the formal correspondence on behalf of the Society, keep approved minutes of council meetings and Society meetings, the list of past and present Society members and the archives of the Society.

Section 5. Treasurer

The financial records of the Society shall be maintained, and its funds deposited and/or invested by the Treasurer under the direction of the Council. The Treasurer shall prepare and submit to the Council at each meeting a report and budget for the period between now and the last meeting for approval by the Council.

Section. 6 Editor

The editor shall be responsible for the maintenance of the Society web pages and Internet Server, and assist the Secretary with the internal and external communication of the Society.


Section 1. Authority

The government and operation of the Society shall be vested in a Council. It is the duty of the Council to protect and manage the Society and its finances in accordance with the Society’s mission.

Section 2. Membership

The Council shall consist of the officers and two elected General Councillors. Each elected Councillor shall take office immediately after their election. Any vacancy among elected Councillors shall be filled by the normal procedure for electing Councillors at the next election. Elected Councillors must be members of the Society.

Section 3. Chairmanship

The President of the Society shall be Chairperson of the Council during the term of office. If he/she is absent, or unable to serve, the Council shall select from its members a Chairperson pro tem.

Section 4. Powers

The Council is empowered to act on all matters pertaining to the Society, except as otherwise provided by this Constitution and Bylaws. In the execution of its duties, it may: (1) acquire, hold, and dispose of, either in its name or in the name of its nominee, any property or other assets suited to further the interests of the Society; (2) execute contracts and solicit and receive grants in support of the Society’s activities; (3) make, or cause to be made, all necessary arrangement for the meetings of the Society; (4) establish committees and membership therein as deemed necessary by the president, but only with the approval of a majority of the Council; and (5) exercise such other powers as required by this Constitution and its Bylaws and as required or desirable for the conduct of the Society’s affairs.

Section 5. Duties

Protect and manage the interests (including the financial interests) of the Society in accordance with the Society’s objectives. The proceedings of the Council and the status of the Treasury shall be reported to the Society at each Meeting and in a report to the entire membership placed on the Society’s website.

Section 6. Prohibitions

The Council shall not obligate the Society beyond the actual content of the Treasury, and shall not do anything that will abrogate the Society’s status as a non-profit, scientific organization.


Meetings of the Society shall be held at such time and place as determined by the Council, with due reference to the preferences of the Society’s members. The regular meeting of the Council shall be held in conjunction with the regular Meeting of the Society. A meeting of the Council may also be held at the call of its Chairperson or on written request of two Councillors, at any other time and place, provided that 30 days notice has been provided. Three Councillors shall constitute a quorum of the Council for transaction of business at any regular or exceptional meetings. Business may be conducted electronically at the discretion of the Chairperson of the Council, provided that a majority of the Council votes. However, objection by three Councillors shall require deferment of action to the next regular (physical) Council meeting.


Section 1. Nominations

All Officers and all Councillors shall be nominated and seconded by Members at the Society’s meeting presided by the Societies president. Candidates for nominations may be transmitted to the Secretary of the Society in the six months prior to the meeting, but for the purposes of the first society election, self-nomination is permitted.

Section 2. Elections

If more than one candidate is available for a post, the candidate receiving the most votes shall be elected. Any vacated Official positions of uncompleted terms on the Council shall be filled at the discretion of the President will the approval of a Council majority.


The Society may, in the furtherance of its stated object, publish such websites, journals, monographs, handbooks or other publications as the Council may determine, within the needs and resources of the Society. An Editor shall be elected according to the provisions of the Constitution and Bylaws.


The Council may arrange for affiliation with an appropriate society or organization, especially for the purposes of scientific programs, provided always that the International Society of Phthirapterists shall retain its distinct entity as a Society and that nothing shall be done to alter this without the express consent of the membership. A society or organization eligible for affiliation must be ‘not-for-profit’ and shall be (a) engaged in the advancement of a related field of study as deemed appropriate by the Council, (b) a chapter of national honorary biological association or (c) an academy or museum.


Bylaws to augment this Constitution may specify details and less fundamental provisions, but shall not alter the intended meaning of the Constitution or circumvent its provisions.


In the event of dissolution of the Society, after all liabilities have been accounted for and discharged, any and all property remaining shall be conveyed or transferred to one or more domestic or foreign not-for-profit corporations, societies, or organizations engaged in activities similar to those of the Society as deemed appropriate by the majority vote of Society’s members.


Section 1. Method

This Constitution can be amended only by a two-thirds majority of those Society members in good standing, voting in a ballot at the Society’s meeting, or by electronic or postal ballot at other times. Bylaws, can be also be amended by a two-thirds majority of the Council or Society members in good standing.

Section 2. Proposals and Consideration

Constitutional amendments may be proposed by any member of the Society to the Secretary at least 60 days in advance of the vote, must be communicated to the membership at least 30 days in advance of the meeting, and must be approved by a two-thirds majority vote of the Council at a meeting before being submitted to the Societies membership. Bylaw amendments may be proposed by any member of the Society to the Secretary at least 60 days in advance of the vote, and must be communicated to the membership at least 30 days in advance of the meeting.

Section 3. Time of Effect

If approved by the Society membership, amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws take effect immediately. Changes shall be published in the report to the membership on the Society’s website.



Section 1. Effective Date

The Constitution and Bylaws shall be adopted as in full force and effect following approval by a majority of those Society members.

Section 2. Membership

For the sole purposes of considering, ratifying and implementing this Constitution and Bylaws, the registered attendees of the Third International Congress on Phthiraptera (ICP3), in Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 2006, will be considered members of the proposed ISoP. These members shall also be considered to have fulfilled their dues for the calendar year of 2007. Thereafter it will be the responsibility of the Council to decide whether dues will be required for membership in subsequent years.

Section 3. Implementation

These draft Constitution and Bylaws will be sent electronically to all above defined members with the request that any additions, deletions or other changes be returned to the Drafting Committee within 30 days. Upon review of all proposed changes the Drafting Committee will distribute the proposed Constitution and Bylaws and call for their ratification by email ballot (eballot). A simple majority of voting members will determine the acceptance or rejection of the proposed Constitution and Bylaws. This balloting period will close 14 days from the date of the distribution of the email ballot. The "eballot" will be automatically forwarded to at least two members who will independently tally the ballots cast.

Section 4 Election of first Council

The ballot for the ratification of the Constitution and Bylaws will include a call for nominations for officers and members-at-large of the Council. Self-nomination is permitted in this instance. Nominees shall indicate a willingness to serve and also provide a brief biography relevant to the position sought.

Section 5. Term of office

The officers and members of the Council shall serve until the completion of the next election conducted during the next meeting (2010).


1. All council members shall take office after their election, ending by replacement or re-election at the next Society meeting.

2. No council member shall serve more that two consecutive terms in the same office.

3. Meetings of the Society shall be held at intervals of no less than four years.

4. Proxy voting by any Society member may take place only at Society meetings requiring physical attendance (not in electronic votes or mail votes), provided a duly signed delegation is provided to the secretary, with a maximum of two proxies per member.

5. Society members can volunteer themselves or nominate another for any position on the council, subject to Article VII, Section 1 of the Constitution, and will be eligible for election. These persons should be supported by a brief written or verbal statement of qualifications and evidence that they are willing to serve.

6. In the absence of dues, members will be subject to approval by the Council by majority vote.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith