Eine neue ausgestorbene vogel-Ischnozere von neuseeland, Huiacola extinctus (Insecta, Phthiraptera)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1990
Authors:E. Mey
Journal:Zoologischer Anzeiger
Pagination:49 - 73
Date Published:1990
Keywords:mtax, PHP

The new Ischnoceran genus and species Huiacola extinctus including its egg and second and third instars is described. The feather louse was an ectoparasite of the extinct bird Heteralocha acutirostris (Gould) on New Zealand. The new genus belongs to the Rallicolinae (Rallicola-complex). Perhaps it is one of the oldest Ischnocera parasitizing a passeriform host. For H. extinctus the huiacolid ecotype is errected and characterized. Three of the larvae had feather mites in their proventricla. In connection with parasito-phylogenetic rules, some ideas on Huiacola and its host are discussed. Besides H. extinctus, hitherto 7 other species of extince feather lice are known.

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