The genus Hoplopleura (Anoplura, Hoplopleuridae) from murid rodents in Sulawesi, with descriptions of three new species and notes on host relationships

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1990
Authors:L. A. Durden
Journal:Journal of Medical Entomology
Pagination:268 - 281
Date Published:1990
Keywords:atax, Hoplopleura

Hoplopleura chrysocomi, H. sembeli, and H. musseri are described and illustrated as new species from bioendemic murid rodents, and H. pacifica Ewing is documented from commensal murids from Sulawesi Utara, Indonesia. H. chrysocomi parasitized only Bunomys chrysocomus (Hoffmann), and H. musseri was taken only from Maxomys musschenbroeki (Jentink). H. sembeli was collected from three species of sympatric murids but parasitized principally Maxomys hellwaldi (Jentink). Similarities between H. musseri f rom Sulawesi and H. pectinata (Cummings) from mainland Southeast Asia arid Borneo corroborate host taxonomies that propose dose phylogenetic relationships between their spiny, rat hosts. Brief comment is made on possible coevolution between the regionally bioendemic Sulawesi macaques and their pedicinid sucking lice.

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