Ectoparasites of the spotted owl

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1994
Authors:J. E. Hunter, Gutierrez, R., Franklin, A. B., Olson, D.
Journal:Journal of Raptor Research
Pagination:232 - 235
Date Published:1994
Keywords:americana, associations, California, ectoparasite, Ischnocera, Kurodaia, magna, ornithoica, owl, parasitism, Philopteridae, spotted, strigiphilus, strix, strix occidentalis caurina, Survey, syrnii, vicina

We conducted a survey of spotted owl (Strix occidentalis) ectoparasite richness by examining live and museum specimens of the three subspecies of spotted owl. Seven ectoparasite species from five arthropod orders were collected. A tick (Dermacentor occidentalis), a mite (Euschoengastia sp.), and a flea (Opisodasys vesperalis) were collected, but were presumed to be accidental strays from prey. Strigiphilus lice were found on all the subspecies of spotted owl, while the louse Kurodaia magna was only collected from the northern spotted owl (S. o. caurina). The hippoboscid fly Icosta americana was found on the California spotted owl (S. o. occidentalis); this species had previously been well documented in the northern subspecies. The only hippoboscid By found infesting the Mexican spotted owl (S. o. lucida) was Ornithoica vicina.

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