Some observations on the biology of Lipeurus tropicalis Peters (Mallophaga: Ischnocera)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1957
Authors:G. L. Arora, Chopra N. Perkash
Journal:Research Bulletin (N. S.) of the Punjab University
Pagination:485 - 491
Date Published:1957
Keywords:chicken, Ischnocera, life history

Lipeurus tropicalis Peters undergoes a direct development in which the young ones that emerge from the eggs resemble their parents in all esential features except their smaller size and chaetotaxy. The wings are absent as in the adults. Observations on the life-history were recorded for as many as 44 individuals. The eggs hatch out after an average period of 4.66 days, ranging from 4-6 days. The nymphs of both sexes cast off three sloughs before assuming the adult form. The average time taken by the normal individuals for complete metamorphosis, i.e. from the time the eggs are laid to the time the adult is formed, is 28.13 days, ranging from 26.66 to 30.66 days; the males have a higher average of 29.09 days (from 27.66 to 30.66 days) and the females have a corrisponding lower average of 27.29 (from 26.66 to 28.66 days). The growth of different instars follows a regular progression and is directly proportional to the length of the instar.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith