The Presence of Mallophaga Species on Wild Partridge in the Elaziğ Distric

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2003
Authors:N. Aksin
Journal:Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences
Pagination:559 - 565
Date Published:2003
Keywords:Mallophaga, partridge, Turkey

The purpose of this study was to determine the presence of Mallophaga species on wild partridges in the Elaziğ region. We inspected 68 partridges for Mallophaga species between November and January from 1996-2000. At least one species of Mallophaga was found on 48 partridges. Three species of Mallophaga were found on infested partridges. These species, were Goniodes dispar (Burmeister, 1838), Goniocotes pusillus (Nitzsch, in Giebel, 1866) and Menacanthus lyali (Rodriguez Caabeiro et al, 1983). These three Mallophaga species have not been reported before in Turkey.

Paper in Turkish title: Elaz›¤ Yöresi Yabani Kekliklerde Bulunan Mallophaga Türleri

Özet: Bu araflt›rma, Elaz›¤ bölgesinde yabani kekliklerde bulunan Mallophaga türlerinin belirlenmesi amac›yla yap›lm›flt›r. Bu amaçla, 1996-2000 y›llar› aras›nda bulunan  Ekim-Ocak aylar› aras›nda 68 keklik temin edilerek Mallophaga türleri yönünden incelenmifltir. Araflt›rma  boyunca  48  kekli¤in  en  az  bir  Mallophaga  türüyle  enfeste  oldu¤u  saptanm›flt›r.  Enfeste  kekliklerde  3  Mallophaga  türü bulunmufltur. Bu  türlerin; Goniodes dispar (Burmeister, 1838), Goniocotes pusillus (Nitzch in Giebel, 1866) ve Menacanthus lyali (Rodriguez Caabeiro et al.,1983 ) olarak teflhisleri yap›lm›flt›r. Türkiye’de ektoparazit faunas› içinde bu Mallophaga türlerinin varl›¤›n› belirten bir kayda rastlanmam›flt›r.

Anahtar Sözcükler: Mallophaga, keklik, G. dispar, G. pusillus, M. lyali, Türkiye

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