Health status of a recently discovered population of feral swine in Kansas

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1999
Authors:P. S. Gipson, Veatch, J. K., Matlack, R. S., Jones, D. P.
Journal:Journal of Wildlife Diseases
Pagination:624 - 627
Date Published:1999
ISBN Number:0090-3558
Keywords:animals, Animals, Wild, Antibodies, Bacterial/blood, Antibodies, Viral/blood, health care, Kansas, Leptospirosis/epidemiology/veterinary, Lice Infestations/epidemiology/veterinary, Lice/growth & development, Liver/pathology, Lung/parasitology/pathology, Parasitic disease, Seasons, Swine, Swine Diseases/epidemiology, virus

Twenty feral hogs (Sus scrofa) from a newly discovered population on Fort Riley Army Base (Kansas, USA) were shot and examined from November 1993 through February 1994 to assess the health of the population. The hogs were generally healthy, although serologic evidence indicated that some individuals had been exposed to parvovirus, enterovirus, and swine influenza. We found no indications of brucellosis, pseudorabies, or porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome. Lung worms (Metastrongylus spp.), round worms (Ascaris suum), and whipworms (Trichuris suis) were found in nine, four and two of the hogs, respectively. Seven hogs had infestations of lice (Haematopinus suis). Fence-line contacts were documented between four wild boars and domestic sows, and in three cases wild boars entered pens containing domestic sows. We recommend that hogs be examined periodically from this and other wild populations to monitor health status since new animals may enter populations through deliberate translocation, escape from shooting preserves or domestic swine producers, or dispersal from other feral populations.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith