Intrinsic rate of natural increase of Brueelia amandavae (Ischnocera, Phthiraptera) populations infesting Indian red avadavat

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2007
Authors:N. Gupta, Kumar, S., Saxena, A. Kumar
Journal:Biológia, Bratislava
Pagination:458 - 461
Date Published:2007
Keywords:amandavae, life cycle

The incubation period of eggs, duration of three nymphal instars, adult longevity and the daily egg-deposition rate of the ischnoceran Phthiraptera, Brueelia amandavae, were determined by rearing the louse in vitro (35 ± 1◦C, 75–82% RH, feather diet). The data obtained were utilized for life table construction and determination of the intrinsic rate of natural increase (0.031 per day) and the doubling time (23.45 days) of the louse population. The doubling time of the louse in in vivo experiments was 21.5 days.

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