Pseudolynchia canariensis (Diptera: Hippoboscidae): distribution pattern and phoretic association with skin mites and chewing lice of Columba livia (Aves: Columbidae)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2013
Authors:H. Leonardo C. Amaral, Bergmann, F. Borba, Silveira, T., Santos, P. Roberto Si, Krüger, R. Ferreira
Journal:Journal of Natural History
Pagination:2927 - 2936
Date Published:Jan-12-2013

The examination of 145 specimens of Pseudolynchia canariensis (74 males and 71 females) from 31 specimens of Columba livia captured between March and April of 2012 in the municipality of Pelotas, southern Brazil, revealed an aggre- gated distribution of hippoboscid flies. Prevalence and mean intensity of infestation were higher on younger hosts. Approximately 30% of hippoboscid flies exhib- ited phoretic associations with skin mites of the families Epidermoptidae and Cheyletidae as well as with chewing lice of the family Philopteridae. Myialges anchora and Ornithocheyletia hallae skin mites exhibited aggregated distributions. On P. canariensis only female skin mites were observed, M. anchora being the most prevalent and abundant. The abdominal ventral surface, between the metathorax and the first abdominal tergite and the ventral surface of wings of hippoboscid flies were the preferred regions for attachment by skin mites, whereas Columbicola columbae was observed attached to the mesotibia of one hippoboscid fly.

Short Title:Journal of Natural History
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