A Review of Mammalian Ectoparasites from the Northern Chihuahuan Desert

Publication Type:Conference Proceedings
Year of Conference:2013
Authors:C. M. Ritzi
Conference Name:Proceedings of the Sixth Symposium on the Natural Resources of the Chihuahuan Desert Region
Date Published:2014
Publisher:Chihuahuan Desert Research Institute
Conference Location:Fort Davis, TX

Ectoparasites tend to be an underappreciated facet of mammalian natural history. This is in light of their possible involvement with changes in roosting and nesting behavior, daily activity patterns, transmission of pathogens and the growth and development of mammals. In order to better appreciate the diversity of ectoparasitic organisms present in the Chihuahuan Desert region, a compilation of known ectoparasite-host relationships has been gathered for the diverse mammalian species known to occur within the northern extent of the desert’s boundaries. Ectoparasites reported include fleas (Siphonaptera), lice (Phthiraptera), true bugs (Hemiptera), flies (Diptera), ticks (Ixodida), and other mites (Acari). Common methods for the collection and recovery of ectoparasitic insects and acari from mammals are presented. The variety of parasitic forms found is discussed, combined with aspects of natural history, such as methods of feeding, host attachment, and known pathogen vectoring. In addition, a few areas of future study are suggested, including the need to collect, identify, describe, and begin the ecological study on several largely overlooked groups of ectoparasites.

URL:http://cdri.org/publications/ proceedings-of-the-symposium-on-the-natural-resources-of-the-chihuahuan-desert-region/
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