Ex vivo effectiveness of French over-the-counter products against head lice (Pediculus humanus capitis De Geer, 1778)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2015
Authors:C. Combescot-Lang, Stichele, R. H. Vander, Toubate, B., Veirron, E., Mumcuoglu, K. Y.
Journal:Parasitology Research
Pagination:1779 - 1792
Date Published:Jan-05-2015
Keywords:Effectiveness, Ex vivo assays, France

Head lice infestation is still a public health problem worldwide, with an intracountry and intercountry prevalence  ariation of 0.7 to 59%. There is a large variety of over-the-counter anti-louse products, but their efficacy is not  lways well assessed. Our objective was to test the pediculicidal and ovicidal efficacy of 21 over-the-counter head louse products, available in France during the period of 2008 to 2012. We tested children living in Tours City in central France and visiting preschools, primary schools, kindergarten, camps, and child care facilities, as well as children in their family houses, and were examined for the presence of lice. The products were collected from randomly selected pharmacies by covert investigators and then tested in the laboratory on an ex vivo sample of head lice and their eggs, collected from the hair of infested children. Living lice and unharmed eggs were  collected from the scalps of 3-12 years old. The laboratory conditions for ex vivo testing mimicked the manufacturers' instructions for exposure time and application method. In 21 runs, 3919 living lice and 4321 undamaged living eggs were collected from the scalp of over 400 children. The 21 products were classified in three groups: 6 products in a group of potentially 100% pediculicidal activity and potentially 100% ovicidal activity, 8 products in a group of potentially 100% pediculicidal activity but insufficient ovicidal activity (including 2 products with claims of single application treatment), and 7 products in a group of insufficient pediculicidal activity and ovicidal activity. The pharmaceutical market for head lice products in France is swamped with poorly tested and ineffective products. Rigorous efficacy testing preregistration and periodic screening and testing of  ffectiveness in the post-registration period should be endorsed by the health authorities.

Short Title:Parasitol Res
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