Löss på nötkreatur i Sverige - en inventering

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1994
Authors:D. Christensson, Gyllensvaan, C., Skiöldebrand, E., Viring, S.
Journal:Svensk veterinärtidning
Pagination:119 - 121

Paper in Swedish.

A trial was carried out to estimate the prevalence of lice in cattle in Sweden. The purpose was also to investigate whether there is any difference in lice presence with regard to production system or geographical location. 

Hair sample were taken from 408 animals in 27 different farms selected with reference to geographical accessibility and not with reference to already known existence of lice. The animals were not selected with regard to ciinical systoms, and no form avectoparasite control was present.

Lice presence was found in 25 out of 27 investigated farms (92%). Out of the 408 examinated animals, lice and nits were found in 119 (29.2%).

Bovicola bovis was present as only ectoparaiste in 58.8 per cent of the infected animals, and Linognathus vituli in 25.2 per cent. In 16 percent of the infeted animals infection with both B bovis and L vituli was detected.

No difference in existence of lice due to type of production was shown, nor was there any detectable regional difference in lice existence.

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