Materials on the fauna of feather lice of Siberian birds (Phthiraptera, Amblycera, Ancistronidae, Laemobothriidae, Pseudomenoponidae)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2018
Authors:O. N. Stepanova
Journal:Russian Journal of Ornithology
Pagination:5253 - 5263

In this survey, 47 species of feather lice of 6 genera from 3 families — Ancistronidae, Laemobothriidae and Pseudomenoponidae — of the suborder Amblycera are included. The taxonomy of feather lice is cited in accordance with Emerson’s works (Emerson 1972). Below we list the species of feather lice within the suborder Amblycera, as far as possible with an indication of the distribution of species throughout the world.

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