Ecto-Parasites and Intestinal Helminth Community of Domesticated Pigeons (Columba livia) of Trans-Amadi Abattoir, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2018
Authors:C. B. Laku, Onwuteaka, J. N., Amuzie, C. C.
Journal:Journal of Gastroenterology Forecast
Pagination:3 pp
Date Published:16-7-2018
Keywords:Ecto-parasites, Intestinal Helminths, Nigeria, Port Harcourt, Trans-Amadi abattoir, Zoonotic infestation

Fifty domesticated pigeons (Columba livia) were purchased from Trans-Amadi abattoir, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, between January and April, 2018, for the investigation of the ecto-parasites and intestinal helminth species infecting them. Standard parasitological procedures were observed. The weight of the uninfected pigeons (218.02±8.00g) did not differ significantly from that of the infected specimens (229.96±6.08g). Two ecto-parasites were found on the pigeons. They were both lice species, namely, Columbicola columbae and Chelopistes meleagridis, and occurred at the prevalence of 58% and 14%, respectively. Three intestinal helminth parasite species were recovered and they were one cestode, Raillietina tetragona, one nematode, Ascaridia columbae and one protozoa, Eimeria sp. The prevalence rates of infection of these intestinal helminth parasites were 38%, 6% and 2%, respectively. Both single and multiple infections were observed. Single infection with lice was the most prevalent followed by infection with only cestodes in the host specimens. The most prevalent multiple infection was that of cestode and lice at a prevalence of 16%. The lice are of public health importance and pigeon handlers are advised to wear protective clothing during contact with the birds to reduce the chances of contracting lice infestation.

Reprint Edition:Edition 2, Article 1010
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